opinions on all things in black/urban/hip-hop/[other euphemism for black] culture

Monday, May 5, 2008

Summer Nail Polishes for darker skin tones

I used to be really into nail polish; glitters, blue blacks, florescents...you name it, I had it. But clearly my priorities have changed as I reached for my bag of polishes and found them all either dried up or transformed into that weird two toned state where the color sinks to the bottom.

So it's time to go nail polish shopping again and what perfect timing since summer is just around the corner and it's time for those toes to breath (and nobody wants to be called an unsightly breathing toes lookin-boy)!

Summer is time for all the darker burgundies and chocolates to go into hibernation and the pastels and bold bright colors come out to play and contrary to popular belief dark colors aren't the only shades that complement dark skin tones.
As pictured above, bright, bold magentas and dark pinks look great on darker skin tones, as well as the classic fire-engine red.

Since darker skinned individuals tend to have red/orange undertones in the skin, polishes with oranges/reds will always be comoplementary.

Ever notice on TV when there's a Black person in the room, 8.75 times outta 10, they're usually clad in a citrus-hued color (i.e. lime, lemon, orange, peach)? Though I may be the only one who notices and even gets annoyed by The Citrus Phenomenon (we can look good in Turquoise too, and striking in white) these shades of polishes look good against, as Ms. Arie describes, "skin that's been kissed by the sun.

Try these (the above) on for size (I mean, as much as you can from your computer).

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